Here, we show results for concentrations of diatoms from the coupled
physics/biogeochemical model that is run operationally as a
collaboration between the
Meteorological Institute
and the Institute of Marine
Research in Norway. The results that are displayed below is valid
for the same date (in April 2005), and values are corresponding
nitrogen concentrations, in mg/m3.
Case I: Baltic outflow as a brackish river
First, consider results when fluxes of brackish water from the Baltic
are represented by "saline rivers" in the Belts and Öresund, with
prescribed salinities and volume fluxes. Maximum concentrations are
found in the eastern Skagerrak:
Case II: Nudging of results in the Kattegat
Then, consider results when salinity, temperature and currents in the
Kattegat from SMHI's ocean circulation model, which includes the
Baltic Sea (SMHI is the Swedish
Meteorological and Hydrological Institute). Then, the "diatom
nitrogen concentration" field for the same time and region as above,
is significantly different. Maximum concentrations are now found in
the Kattegat and the central Skagerrak: