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Norwegian Service Centre for Climate Modelling -> Format Conversion Tools -> nyfelt User Guide | ||||
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Creation of a new FELT-fileThe program nyfelt was written by Anstein Foss at DNMI. The program generates a new FELT-file based on the input parameters found in the input file.Usage:nyfelt inputfile PURPOSE: Basic document on FELT files: FILE STRUKTUR FOR "SANNTIDS" LAGRING AV GRID-DATA Forskningsavdeling DNMI, oktober 1982 FELT file types:
Specifications for NYFELT is given in a 'nyfelt.input' file when running the program. This file is given to the program as a command line argument, e.g.: nyfelt nyfelt.inputor with a more describing file name: nyfelt nyfelt.lam50sor print help lines in the 'nyfelt.input' file (if such exists): nyfelt nyfelt.lam50s ? NYFELT.INPUT: Consists of two sections (which may be repeated):
Comment lines are expected to be found before each section and also between each 'loop' in the 'field identification' section. Comment lines start with a * in column one. The last comment line before 'real' program input has *> in the two first columns. Help lines are identified with *=> in the three first columns. General specification section: Consists of keywords with and without user values. Syntax is 'KEYWORD=value' or 'KEYWORD'. (Keywords are always converted to uppercase letters, and is everything in front of a = sign. Several keywords may be written on one line separated by a ; sign. The maximum line length is 80 characters.) There are two ways to use variables here, instead of editing the 'user values' in the 'nyfelt.input' file:
There is no sequence rules for the keywords. Keywords and user values (the second in <....>):
Note: There is no default for FELT file type ( and the action to be done ( When more than one producer is defined (in GRID=...) they must be given in increasing order (FELT file sequence rule). If more than one 'general spec.' section is used, the previous defined 'grid(s)' will be 'forgotten' if at least one grid is specified. Field identification section: This section defines the field identifications to be created or the fields to be copied. Date/time and producer,grid and grid type is given in the 'general spec.' section above, as they (in almost all cases) will be constant here, but also the part of field id.'s which most frequently changes ('variables' are not allowed in the field id. section). The organization of this section is more strict than FELT file rules. It defines 'loops' where the outer loop is forecast lengths, then levels and with parameters as the inner loop. Several of these trippel loops may be needed to store fields with different forecast lengths (different time steps) and combinations of levels and parameters. Note that for some reason the vertical coordinate is paired with parameter numbers and not levels. In front of each trippel loop is one or more comment lines. The easiest way to explain this is an example: ** Comments: ** ** 4 forecast lengths ** 4 pairs of datatype and forecast length ** 11 levels ** 11 pairs of level_1 and level_2 (level_2 is usually 0) ** 5 parameters ** 5 pairs of vertical coordinate and parameter ** *> 4 1,0, 3,0, 2,6, 2,12 11 100,0, 150,0, 200,0, 250,0, 300,0, 400,0, 500,0, 700,0, 850,0, 925,0, 1000,0 5 1,1, 1,2, 1,3, 1,10, 1,18To terminate the sequence of trippel loops: ** Comments: ** end of forecast length / level / parameter loops *> 0 forecast lengths 0 If more than one grid is defined (in GRID=...), there will be a 'grid loop' on the outside of all the trippel loops explained above. For Archive and Cyclic_Archive there is an extreme outer loop (also outside all field id. sections) on date/time. EXAMPLE 1. Create a file for LAM analysis and some model output ====================================================================== *** nyfelt.lam50s ('nyfelt.input') *** *=> Create FELT file for LAM50S. *=> *=> Environment var: *=> none *=> Command format: *=> nyfelt nyfelt.lam50s 1992,8,25,0 +12 felt00.dat *** ***---------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** Option list: **------------- ** FILE=<output_FELT_file> ** TIME=<year,month,day,hour> ** TIME.FILE_IN ** TIME_OFFSET=<years,months,days,hours> ** FILE_IN=<input_FELT_file> ** TIME_STEP=<nstep, year_step,month_step,day_step,hour_step> ** FELT.STANDARD ** FELT.ARCHIVE ** FELT.CYCLIC_ARCHIVE ** DATA_GAPS.ON ............................... (default) ** DATA_GAPS.OFF ** MODE.CREATE ** MODE.CREATE+COPY ** MODE.COPY ** MODE.UPDATE ** MODE.UPDATE_ALL ** GRID=<producer,grid,grid_type> .............. (repeatable) ** OVER_WRITE.ON .............................. (default) ** OVER_WRITE.OFF ** CHECK_TIME.ON .............................. (default) ** CHECK_TIME.OFF ** INFO.ON .................................... (default) ** INFO.OFF ** PROG_LIMIT=<min_prog_hour,max_prog_hour> .... (default = no limit) ** DEFINE.LOOP= <identifier>,<value1>,<value2>,... ** DEFINE.LOOP.FROM.TO.STEP= <identifier>,<first>,<last>,<step> ** CONTINUE ** END ** **+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** Options (for CREATE of STANDARD file) Remember '....' syntax. ** ($... = environment var. ; #n = command line arg. no. n) *> 'FILE= #4' 'TIME= #2' 'PROG_LIMIT= -32767,#3' ..... or 'PROG_LIMIT=-32767,+48' 'GRID= 88,1814,1' ..... or 'GRID= 88,$grid_no,1' 'FELT.STANDARD' 'MODE.CREATE' 'END' **+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** *> ..... P LEVELS: Z(1) U(2) V(3) RH(10) POT.TEMP.(18) 4 1,0, 3,0, 2,6, 2,12 11 100,0, 150,0, 200,0, 250,0, 300,0, 400,0, 500,0, 700,0, 850,0, 925,0, 1000,0 5 1,1, 1,2, 1,3, 1,10, 1,18 ** *> ..... SIGMA LEVELS: U(2) V(3) POT.TEMP.(18) Q(9) OMEGA(13) 3 3,0, 2,6, 2,12 18 1,0, 2,0, 3,0, 4,0, 5,0, 6,0, 7,0, 8,0, 9,0, 10,0, 11,0, 12,0, 13,0, 14,0, 15,0, 16,0, 17,0, 18,0 5 2,2, 2,3, 2,18, 2,9, 2,13 ** ..... ** ..... SURFACE: *> ..... MSLP(58) T2M(31) U10M(33) V10M(34) 5 3,0, 2,3, 2,6, 2,9, 2,12 1 1000,0 4 2,58, 2,31, 2,33, 2,34 ** *> ..... end of time/level/parameter section 0 ====================================================================== EXAMPLE 2. Create file and copy LAM analysis fields. ====================================================================== *** nyfelt.copyana ('nyfelt.input') *** *=> Create FELT file and copy LAM analysis *=> *=> Environment var: *=> none *=> Command format: *=> nyfelt nyfelt.copyana felt1.dat 1814 felt2.dat *=> <input> <grid> <output> *** ***---------------------------------------------------------------- ** ** Option list: **------------- ** FILE=<output_FELT_file> ** TIME=<year,month,day,hour> ** TIME.FILE_IN ** TIME_OFFSET=<years,months,days,hours> ** FILE_IN=<input_FELT_file> ** TIME_STEP=<nstep, year_step,month_step,day_step,hour_step> ** FELT.STANDARD ** FELT.ARCHIVE ** FELT.CYCLIC_ARCHIVE ** DATA_GAPS.ON ............................... (default) ** DATA_GAPS.OFF ** MODE.CREATE ** MODE.CREATE+COPY ** MODE.COPY ** MODE.UPDATE ** MODE.UPDATE_ALL ** GRID=<producer,grid,grid_type> .............. (repeatable) ** OVER_WRITE.ON .............................. (default) ** OVER_WRITE.OFF ** CHECK_TIME.ON .............................. (default) ** CHECK_TIME.OFF ** INFO.ON .................................... (default) ** INFO.OFF ** PROG_LIMIT=<min_prog_hour,max_prog_hour> .... (default = no limit) ** DEFINE.LOOP= <identifier>,<value1>,<value2>,... ** DEFINE.LOOP.FROM.TO.STEP= <identifier>,<first>,<last>,<step> ** CONTINUE ** END ** **+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** Options (for CREATE of STANDARD file) Remember '....' syntax. ** ($... = environment var. ; #n = command line arg. no. n) *> 'FILE= #4' 'FILE_IN= #2' 'TIME.FILE_IN' 'GRID= 88,#3,1' ..... or 'GRID= 88,1814,1' 'FELT.STANDARD' 'MODE.CREATE+COPY' 'END' **+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ** ** ..... Analysis. *> ..... P LEVELS: Z(1) U(2) V(3) RH(10) 1 1,0 11 100,0, 150,0, 200,0, 250,0, 300,0, 400,0, 500,0, 700,0, 850,0, 925,0, 1000,0 4 1,1, 1,2, 1,3, 1,10 ** *> ..... end of time/level/parameter section 0 ====================================================================== ********************************************************************* ===================================================================== FILE=<output_FELT_file> TIME=<year,month,day,hour> TIME.FILE_IN TIME_OFFSET=<years,months,days,hours> FILE_IN=<input_FELT_file> TIME_STEP=<nstep, year_step,month_step,day_step,hour_step> FELT.STANDARD FELT.ARCHIVE FELT.CYCLIC_ARCHIVE DATA_GAPS.ON ............................... (default) DATA_GAPS.OFF MODE.CREATE MODE.CREATE+COPY MODE.COPY MODE.UPDATE MODE.UPDATE_ALL GRID=<producer,grid,grid_type> ................. (repeatable) OVER_WRITE.ON ................................. (default) OVER_WRITE.OFF CHECK_TIME.ON ................................. (default) CHECK_TIME.OFF INFO.ON ....................................... (default) INFO.OFF PROG_LIMIT=<min_prog_hour,max_prog_hour> ....... (default = no limit) DEFINE.LOOP= <identifier>,<value1>,<value2>,... DEFINE.LOOP.FROM.TO.STEP= <identifier>,<first>,<last>,<step> CONTINUE END ===================================================================== |
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