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News archive
News year 2003
- Dec. 3. 2003
- The upgraded NoSerC storage system on Gridur and Embla is
now available. In total, the new system will have 14.5 TB
online and upto 33 TB on tape (backup and archiving).
The new system is mounted on /noserc2 with a similar
directory structure as found on the old /noserc disk.
However, limitations in disk volume sizes makes it necessary
to use a slightly different structure for the
/noserc2/regclim directory:
Users with large storage needs are given separate volumes
corresponding to directories with names like:
Currently, this applies to the users jek, kirkevag, mifajd,
mifajh, nilsg, oddho and yong.
Other users are sharing one volume (/noserc2/regclim/users )
and are given directories with names like:
For the other projects (chemclim, noclim and emep), the
structure will be:
The /noserc1 file system will be restructured and all data
on this system will be copied to /noserc2 . From now on,
please store ALL your new data on your /noserc2 directory.
If a directory has not been created for you, please contact
The NoSerC crew will now start copying the data from /noserc
and /noserc1 to the new /noserc2 system. You will get an
email when your data has been copied.
While this work is going on, directories and the copied
files on /noserc2 will belong to the noserc user and the
noserc group. All registered users (members of group noserc )
are permitted to create new directories and files. Please
use this possibility with care, as name collisions with
existing files not yet copied from /noserc or /noserc1 could
be a problem. The ownership and group structure will be
restored when the copying work is finished.
The copying work is expected to be finished within December
31. 2003.
- Nov. 7. 2003
- We have upgraded the NoSerC storage facility in Trondheim
to a larger and more
easily expandable system, no longer based on the technique
of data migration from disk to tape, this time with full
online disk storage with backup to tape. This new storage
system will also have a possibility of tape archiving, but
not automatic as in the previous
/noserc system. The new
storage system is currently mounted as /noserc1 on both
gridur.ntnu.no and embla.ntnu.no , with the same project-
based directory structure as known from /noserc .
In order to transfer resources (licence fees and support) to
the new disk storage system, the tape migration system will
be shut down. The /noserc disk, together with the tape robot
which is an integrated part of the system, will not be in
operation after January 1 2004. Accordingly, all files on
/noserc that should be preserved, must be moved to a new
storage system. Two options will be available: either the
new disk based system (/noserc1 and later also /noserc2 ), or
a tape archive.
This operation will be done by the NoSerC crew. If all users
were to move their files simultaneously, the tape robot
system would be overloaded.
We have prepared separate lists (example), showing
all directories on /noserc containing files belonging to
each user. The list also contains the number of files in each
directory and the total size of all these files (in
kilobytes). The list and the message you are now reading has been
mailed to each of the users registered with files on
/noserc .
If you have received this message, we ask you to go through the list, and decide
what you want to do with each directory. You have three
MOVE | Move the files in the directory to a similar
directory on the new disk system.
| ARCHIVE | Move the files to a tape archive on the new
system. The files will then not be available
online, but through a procedure that could
involve manual handling of the tapes. Accordingly,
it is importantant that only files needed very
seldom are archived in this way. This option is
mainly intended for files that might be used in
the future, but no actual plans exist for the
utilization of the files.
| DELETE | Delete the files. We hope you will seriously
consider this option for files that really are not
needed any more.
The attached text file shows only information at the
directory level. If you need to look into some directories
in more detail, you should do this directly on the gridur.ntnu.no
We ask you to return to us, within November 17. 2003, an
overview of your decisions regarding these files. This could
be done by returning the attached text file with each line
annotated by one of the key words described above. Insert
the keyword at the beginning of each line (example).
If you need to detail your decisions at the file level for
some directories, you could do this by making lists (using
ls -l ) for each directory and annotate this list in the same
way as described above.
If you find our suggested reporting method unpractical for
some reasons, you are free to report in any other way, as
long as you provide us with unambigous descriptions of your
We are thankful for your assistance, and hope you will spend
the time neccessary for this operation to be successful. It
is a large operation, involving over 300000 files, and we
need the time we can get for the actual copying work. We
would appreciate wery much if you could keep the deadline we
have set for your contribution, November 17 2003. The
overall deadline of January 1 2004 for this project is
May 20. 2003
- We are pleased to announce that we have now installed a new
disksystem in NOTUR. This is a long desired extension of the
gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc tape and disk system
(which now is full). The new system is based on disks only,
all data will be available online. An additional disk array
is used for backup.
Users that have earlier been admitted to the
gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc disk will also be admitted
to the new disk system. The new disk is named /noserc1
on both gridur.ntnu.no and embla.ntnu.no .
The extdata (containing ERA40 and NCEP reanalysis data) directory
has been allocated for storage of external data. Each project
has its own directory similar to the storage model on /noserc.
Note that each project now is defined as a separate filesystem
(/noserc1/chemclim , /noserc1/noclim ,
/noserc1/regclim ) with
a limited space quota for each project, to prevent storage
problems for the other projects. It is left to the projects
to design a suitable directory structure within each project.
All new climate research data MUST be stored on /noserc1 ,
no new data should be stored on /noserc . If it
is necessary to keep datafiles together, then copy the old
files from /noserc (and delete from
/noserc afterwards) to /noserc1 .
Use unbuffered copying to avoid problems ("cp -D ").
Backup of /noserc1 will be
performed as an incremental backup every night, with a full
backup every Monday. The full backup will overwrite the previous
full backup, so deleted files will be lost after one week!
It is also possible to mount the disk from other locations in
Norway (eg. Bergen/Oslo/Tromsø), please take contact
with noserc@met.no if this
is desired.
The pictures above shows part of the Origin 3800 installation,
the new disksystem is the rack in the middle of the top picture.
April 30. 2003
- A collection of results from effect research is now available
on this website. See Effect Research.
- March 28. 2003
- The
/noserc filesystem is full - new capacity is under way
In April the storage facility for climate data will be
extended. Open Systems/Nexsan will deliver 7 TB of disk
attached to a Linux filseserver. Later this year, the
capacity will be further expanded. Including the existing
system, we expect to have a total capacity of 32 TB by
September. Half of this will be directly available for the
users, the other half will be used for backup.
The new server will look like a regular disk-system to the
users. We will discuss with the large users how to combine
the existing migration based system and the new disk system,
and a users guide will be provided.
Unfortunately, we are short of storage capacity until the new
system arrives. As a result of an increased use the last
week, the /noserc filesystem is now almost full. We will
have to ask you not to copy large (>10 GB) datasets into /noserc
without prior acknowledge from the NoSerC crew. Please
carefully evaluate if you have data on /noserc that you will not
use anymore and in that case delete these files as soon as possible.
- February 11. 2003
- Information about ERA40 is now
added under
Datasets Stored.
A small amount of data is already stored on the
filesystem on gridur.ntnu.no. See also
MetaMod for details.
- February 6. 2003
- Two new datasets have been added to the
filesystem on gridur.ntnu.no. See
SLP and T2M 1873-1998 under
Datasets Stored.
- February 5. 2003
- The modifications NoSerC made to the decoders package from unidata
(conversion programs from GRIB to netCDF) have been incorporated
in the official decoders-2.4.0 release. See
Format Conversion and
a statistical package based on R for empirical downscaling of
climate data, is now available for download.
- February 4. 2003
- The Project Description for 2003-2004
has now been approved and published.
The new 50 tapes have been installed on the /noserc
filesystem and are available for storage of datasets.
- January 14. 2003
- The
/noserc filesystem on gridur.ntnu.no has been close to
100% full for some time now. Until disk/tape capacity is increased we
must urge users to avoid storing new data on /noserc .
50 new tapes have been purchased for the /noserc disk,
but have not reached installation yet. This will increase effective
storage capacity by another 750GB (excluding backup).
NoSerC will extend the storage capacity further, plans are to
install a disk system with a total of 12-15TB (this includes backup,
so effective storage will be 6-7TB). We hope this system can be
in place by March. The physical location of the new system and how
it will be connected to the existing system is currently being
The Research Council of Norway
has evaluated the requests for funding for the period starting in
2003. Based on the result of the evaluation of NoSerC, met.no will revise
the Project Description. We will publish the new
Project Description when it has been approved. See also project number
155836/720 at
An advanced data storage system as /noserc has its limitations,
the most serious seems to be the cp/mv problem. DO NOT USE CP OR
MV WITH LARGE DATAFILES TO /noserc ! As we have informed earlier,
file transfer to
/noserc is by default going through a memory buffer in the computer.
This is to increase command performance, by giving you the prompt back
before the file is completely transferred. However, since the /noserc
disk is somewhat slower than the other disks on gridur , the memory
buffer quickly fills up. The cp/mv commands do not check how much memory
is left, and may thus fill up all available memory on the computer. The
effect is that all other processes on the computer may grind to a halt,
as they have no more memory to use. We have even seen the computer crash
as a result of this.
Large files (more than 500MB) or large collections of files must not be
transferred to /noserc by ordinary cp/mv commands.
Use "cp -D " to avoid buffering of data.
Use "cp -D " and "rm " instead of "mv ".
See also the /noserc User Guide.
News year 2002
- November 26. 2002
- We have seen a few problems with the tape system in the past weeks. The
problems were caused by software errors and mechanical failures
(in that order), but are now fixed.
An advanced data storage system as /noserc has its limitations,
the most serious seems to be the cp/mv problem. DO NOT USE CP OR
MV WITH LARGE DATAFILES TO /noserc ! As we have informed earlier,
file transfer to
/noserc is by default going through a memory buffer in the computer.
This is to increase command performance, by giving you the prompt back
before the file is completely transferred. However, since the /noserc
disk is somewhat slower than the other disks on gridur , the memory
buffer quickly fills up. The cp/mv commands do not check how much memory
is left, and may thus fill up all available memory on the computer. The
effect is that all other processes on the computer may grind to a halt,
as they have no more memory to use. We have even seen the computer crash
as a result of this.
Large files (more than 500MB) or large collections of files must not be
transferred to /noserc by ordinary cp/mv commands.
Use "cp -D " to avoid buffering of data.
Use "cp -D " and "rm " instead of "mv ".
See also the /noserc User Guide.
- October 10. 2002
- A new report
Additional optimisation of CCM3.2,
describing the efforts to reduce analysis time for a climate model run
on the
gridur SGI parallell computer, has now been published under
SGI optimisation.
- September 26. 2002
- MetaMod, the web interface to the metadatabase for files on the
/noserc -disk, has been opened up for all users.
It is no longer necessary to provide a username and password to
enter the interactive search/view part of the application.
Direct access to the files on gridur is however
still protected by a username/password regime.
- September 25. 2002
- Several climate researchers have shown an interest in the
ECMWF ERA-40 reanalysis dataset. To establish a local copy for
some of these data will be a natural task for NoSerC. There are,
however, many options regarding which data we should prioritize. To
make a local copy of the whole archive is, for the time being, not
feasible. Therefore, all researchers with an interest in these data
are invited to send us an overview of the variables and resolutions
(time, horizontal and vertical) they would be interested in.
- August 30. 2002
During the past weeks we have seen an explosive growth in the use of
the storage system on
/noserc . In one week as much as
600 Gigabyte was stored.
A total of 4 Terabyte of compressed data is now stored on tapes.
For safety reasons are all files stored on two tapes, so the total
storage on tapes is now 8 TB.
We are now approaching the storage capacity limit of the tape system,
and we have already bought more tapes than the budget allowed this year.
In other words: An expansion is needed before the facility can
receive more data, we will probably exceed limits during next week.
The Research Council of Norway (KlimaProg) has been notified about the
situation and we await feedback from them. In the meantime we have to
ask everyone with data on /noserc to:
- Carefully evaluate if you have data on
/noserc that
you will not use anymore and in that case delete these files
as soon as possible and no later than September 5.
- Don't start copying into
/noserc any large (>10 GB)
datasets without prior acknowledge from the
NoSerC crew.
- Follow the guidelines given for use of
/noserc at
/noserc User Guide.
If the feedback from The Research Council of Norway is delayed or
they can't give sufficient resources for a solution lasting to
the end of 2002, we will have to enforce other actions. We are
considering possible solutions based on the following priorities:
- Avoid that analyses stops due to lack of datastorage.
- Safe storage, i.e. backup must be easily accessible.
- The least possible extra work for you as scientists.
- August 29. 2002
- An updated version of our decoders-2.3.8 package is available for
download at Format Conversion,
References/downloads. The most recent update is to allow blanks
or "none" as units in the "grib to netcdf translation table".
Sidenote: Unidata is now considering to incorporate our modifications into
the official Decoders package.
- August 7. 2002
- Another set of tapes were installed on the
gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc disk
monday, and now the data migration works as normal again. This will
solve the problem of having too little free space on /noserc for the
near future.
Again, we must emphasize that You should not use the /noserc -disk to
store many small files. Data storage and retrieval speed detoriates
rapidly when the tape system has to handle many small files. We have
also had problems with computer memory when copying/moving very large
files to /noserc , so please use "cp -D " as explained in earlier news.
- July 31. 2002
- In the recent days, several users have had problems using the /noserc
disk on gridur.
Two independant problems have been identified that we would like to
inform about:
- The
/noserc disk has become more popular than was expected,
so the utilization is now close to 100% full. In some situations we have
seen that the disk goes full, and the subsequent data migration to tape
aborts due to lack of free space on the tapes as well. A tape
defragmentation work has been performed, but only to reduce problems
until we receive more tapes from the supplier. We are currently waiting
for tapes to arrive at NTNU.
- Please do not store ecessive amounts of data into
before the tape capacity is increased.
- Always compress ascii data, pack into "
tar "-files when you
have many small files.
- The computer may crash when huge amounts of data are moved
mv ") or copied ("cp ") into
/noserc . This is a problem that was described earlier
this year (June 4. 2002) for the cp-command. We have now also seen the
problem during mv-commands. One of the reasons
cp /mv gets into trouble
is the fact that the I/O-speed of the /noserc -disk is
much smaller than the other disks on gridur. The effect is that memory
buffering of the data occurs with increasing demands for memory as the
amount of data increases. Eventually, when copying many Gb of files,
memory becomes 100% used and the computer crashes. This may not only
cause problems for other users, but it may also cause files to be
deleted if the "mv "-command was used. For "cp "
one may use the option "-D " to skip memory buffering
(but this is will obviously increase the time spent before you get
the prompt back), but for "mv" there is no such option.
We thus suggest for all users to:
- Avoid using
mv to /noserc , instead
rewrite to cp -D [from] [to];rm [from]
- Compress and pack data files as much as possible to save space.
- June 12. 2002
- Updated versions of gribtonc and gribtocdl have been installed
on gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc/felles/bin. The new versions allow
users to specify the netCDF parameter names for each GRIB
parameter to be converted. See more information under
Format Conversion/gribtonc User Guide.
- June 11. 2002
- A heavy rainfall caused flooding into the building housing
gridur.ntnu.no and embla.ntnu.no, the computers had to be shut down
at 16:00 yesterday to prevent damage. See also (in norwegian)
http://innsidaut.ntnu.no for the NTNU campus news.
The following message was recieved from gridur sysadmin:
Due to the water leakage announced earlier on, preventive maintenance
work (PM) on gridur and embla is delayed by 12 hours. The
current plan is:
11 AM : systems powered on (not available to users)
11 AM - 3 PM : extensive check of hardware status
3 PM - 6 PM : scheduled for forecast runs only
6 PM - 12 PM : maintenance work as planned for today,
system available to users after this
Please contact support@notur.org by email or http://support.notur.org
in case of problems or questions.
- June 7. 2002
- The following message was recieved from gridur sysadmin:
There will will be a preventive maintenance period on Tuesday June
11 7:30 - noon to return the upgraded gridur machine to service.
This requires a restart of all systems and hence the scheduled downtime.
After this we will be fully powered, with 384 processors / 304 Gbytes
in gridur and 512 p / 512 GB in embla.
We will attempt to restart jobs on this restart, as we had success
in restarting a large number of jobs last time.
Please contact support@notur.org by email or http://support.notur.org
in case of problems or questions.
- June 4. 2002
- Earlier today we had problems with resources on the gridur and embla
computers. It was later found that the problems was caused by a large
copying task by one user. In this particular case, more than 20 Gb of
files were copied from the /work disk to the /noserc disk in one task.
It has now been shown that such large copying drained memory resources
due to file buffering by the cp command, causing problems with memory
access for other users and tasks.
We therefore urge users that need to copy large quantities of data to
use "cp -D" so that the file copy does not use memory buffering. Please
see the manpage of cp for further explanation of the "-D" option.
- May 31. 2002
- Wednesday June 5. the gridur computer will be shut down for
reconfiguration. The computer will be upgraded with more processors and
more memory. The upgrade process will take several days, possibly a
whole week.
In the meantime you may use the embla.ntnu.no computer, which is
currently in the acceptance test period.
As the /noserc disk is controlled by the gridur computer, this means
that the /noserc disk will also be unavailable during the upgrade
We urge all users that are going to use data on the /noserc disk to copy
the necessary datafiles over to /work before gridur is shut down. The
/work disk is shared by gridur and embla, so there should not be
problems using /work from embla.
Do not copy the whole /noserc disk please, just the files that you need
for analyses during the gridur downtime, as space on /work is not
- May 28. 2002
- As many users have already noticed, the new embla.ntnu.no supercomputer
is available (see News on
Note that
the /noserc disk will not be accessible for batch jobs on embla.
We urge users that files from gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc must be copied
to the work disk before accessing them in a batch run. This is the
most efficcient method for file access on both gridur and embla.
See also a brief guide to efficient use of the /noserc disk on
/noserc User Guide.
- May 15. 2002
- A brief report on optimisation of a fortran program on gridur.ntnu.no
has been included under
SGI optimization.
- May 14. 2002
- Recently there have been problems with the tapestations used for storage
and retrieval of files on the /noserc disk.
The tapestations have been unavailable for long periods. As a user you
may experience this when trying to access a migrated file on /noserc and
the system failes to respond.
The supplier is working on the problem, we hope it will be solved during
the coming day(s).
For a brief guide to efficient use of the /noserc disk see
/noserc User Guide
See gridur.ntnu.no status on
http://www.notur-palantir.uio.no/ and
- May 13. 2002
- The following message was recieved from gridur sysadmin:
Due to the ongoing installation of the new teraflop system at NTNU,
the current production system (gridur.ntnu.no) experienced instability
problems last week during the period May 2 - May 7.
The machines will be connected through a common Clustered XFS (CXFS)
file system. During the period above, crashes on the
new embla machine unfortunately brought down the other systems in the
CXFS cluster as a side effect.
On May 8 9-12, an emergency PM was conducted on the systems to avoid
this. Since then gridur has been running without impact due to crashes
on other systems.
Although it now appears that gridur is stabilized, work is still going
on to establish what is going to be the second
largest SGI installation in Europe. Because of this work, we can not
expect to achieve the contracted stability on the
system before the formal acceptance period begins. The acceptance
period shall start no later than June 1.
Notice operational messages connected with the installation are
published on
http://support.notur.org/News/NTNU, as shown in the
message-of-the-day on gridur.
If you experience any problems, have special needs or would like to do
large scale tests during this period, please contact user support by
email support@notur.org or web
- April 5. 2002
- The new webadress for NoSerC is now http://noserc.met.no, so
update your bookmarks if you haven't done it yet.
New information regarding the graphic tool Grads and the
statistics package R has now been published, see
Graphic Tools for a
quick introduction.
- March 11. 2002
- A NoSerC User Meeting will be held in Bergen Thursday March 21.
at 10:00. The meeting will be held in 'Store møterom',
3. floor at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen
map of the University Campus).
Agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Information about conversion between data formats.
- Information about the meta-database for climate modelling data.
- Effective use of the /noserc disk on gridur.
- Tools installed on gridur:
- The statistics package R
- Grads
- Users' suggestions. What tasks should NoSerC give priority.
All users known to be stationed in Bergen should have received
an invitation. If You know someone who might be interested
in participating in this meeting - please invite her/him.
- March 6. 2002
- The dataset MICOM-NERSC model layer 1
has been added to
gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc . See also
Datasets Stored.
- February 22. 2002
- gridur.ntnu.no is now fully operational again.
The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) package has been
installed on gridur and is available for all users.
See documentation on
- February 18. 2002
- gridur.ntnu.no crashed Sunday 17.02.2002 and is still not fully
operational. The /noserc disk is not functioning correctly due to
hardware problems encountered in the crash: The tape facility used for
datamigration to and from the /noserc disk is not working. We do not
know yet when the system will be back to normal operation.
Note that system may have to be shut down for repairs.
- February 13. 2002
- Four new datasets have been added to
Datasets Stored.
A printerfriendly version of each web-page is now available, see
link at the bottom of each page.
A few minor changes in the layout are also implemented in the web-site.
- February 11. 2002
- Note that gridur.ntnu.no will be down for maintenance february 12.
from 17:00 to 24:00.
- February 7. 2002
- Our host, DNMI, is changing its name to met.no - this change also
affects this site so that email-adresses are now changed.
In the future use noserc@met.no to contact us.
- January 14. 2002
- To reduce the chance of data loss during the announced upgrade, SGI
has now chosen to do a more limited upgrade of the /noserc
filesystem on gridur.ntnu.no .
Upgrade is now scheduled to be from 16:00 to 20:00 on January
16 only. In this period the /noserc disk will not be available.
It has not been decided when the rest of the (originally planned)
upgrade will take place.
- January 11. 2002
- The /noserc filesystem on gridur.ntnu.no will be unavailable from
the evening of January 16, the entire day of the 17th and possibly
also the 18th, due to a hardware/firmware upgrade of the TP9100.
News year 2001
- December 21. 2001
- The gribtocdl tool has been updated, a few errors are removed
in the GRID-interpretation. See the
Format Conversion
A metadatabase describing the files on the /noserc-disk has been
released. The web-interface is on http://metamod.dnmi.no. See also an introduction in
Datasets Stored.
As part of the NOTUR Metacenter training program a course in efficient
use of the Origin 3800 computer will be held in Trondheim Jan 29 -
Feb 1, 2002. Refer to
for more information.
NoSerC wishes all users a merry christmas and a happy new year.
- October 31. 2001
- A few interesting websites have been added to the
Climate Links section.
Also renamed the two link sections so that the names describe
better the type of links to be found.
- October 19. 2001
- Datasets with Norwegian Radiosonde data from 1949-1995 has been
installed on the dataserver /noserc. See further description under
Datasets Stored
- September 10. 2001
- A dataset with Aerosol Optical Thickness (X100) has been
installed on the dataserver /noserc. See further description under
Datasets Stored
- August 30. 2001
- To aid the NOTUR users in conversion of climate data between different
file formats, we have now installed a few tools on
gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc/felles/bin/. We are also working on new tools that
shall make it easier to convert climate data. See the full description
in the new Format Conversion
- July 25. 2001
- A Perl-script (
has been made to display disk
usage on gridur.ntnu.no:/noserc so that users can see how much space
is also migrated to tapes. The Perl-script gives instructions if no
options are given.
- June 25. 2001
- Description of CICERO added
to the
Climate Projects section.
- June 22. 2001
- The tape migration unit on the /noserc-disk
is being tested
until june 29. No problems have been found yet, but note that
the disk may be busy at times, and that data will be quickly migrated
to tape - as a result of the testing.
- June 20. 2001
- The embla.ntnu.no computer has been replaced with the new
gridur.ntnu.no computer.
Gridur is an SGI Origin 3000 with 220 400MHz processors and 220Gb
memory. The
/noserc-disk is moved to gridur and embla is no longer available.
- May 7. 2001
- The webadress is now changed to noserc.dnmi.no
- May 3. 2001
- The NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis dataset 1948-1999 is now stored on the
/noserc-disk, see description in
Datasets stored.
- April 27. 2001
- After technical problems with our web-server, NoSerC-web is now up
and running again.
- March 26. 2001
- New e-mail adress to the project :
Guidelines for disk-use and user administration
See also "Switchover to
new HPC system" from NOTUR
- January 18. 2001
- The complete Project Description is now available
- January 14. 2001
- Crew description added
- January 12. 2001
- Web site is created